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Keeping Your Pet Safe This 4th

Humans may “Ooh!” and “Aah!” at the thundering booms of fireworks displays this Fourth of July weekend, but pets are far less impressed.

In fact, many dogs and cats are deeply frightened by fireworks displays, and can injure themselves — and even run away — trying to escape the nerve-wracking racket.

“The Fourth is the busiest day of the year here because so many dogs get freaked out,” said James Dress, community engagement manager for Sonoma County Animal Services.

Dogs left in back yards, for example, can panic at loud sounds they don’t understand and will find ways to escape, potentially injuring themselves in the process, Dress said.

In preparation for the holiday weekend, pet owners should take steps to ensure their animals are safe and as low-stressed as possible. Dress shared these tips:

Keep your pets inside your home and remain with them if possible.

Give them a safe place to retreat to, such as a kennel with extra blankets to keep them comfortable or toys and treats to keep them distracted.

Closing blinds and playing soothing music or other white noise may help animals. Some research shows classical music keeps dogs calm.

Consider other calming measures, including pheromone collars, anti-anxiety chews and even Prozac prescribed by veterinarians.

Do not bring your dog to a fireworks display. Many events won’t admit dogs because of these safety concerns.

Ensure dogs are licensed and have up-to-date contact information on their tags and microchips.

If animal control officers find lost animals they will try to return them to their homes and contact owners before taking them to the shelter, Dress said. To contact the shelter, call 565-7100.

You can reach Staff Writer Kevin McCallum at 521-5207 On Twitter @srcitybeat.

This article reprinted from: TPD
Image source: Public Domain Image

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