It’s Puppy Mill Action Week — say NO to puppy mills!
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“Life is as dear to a mute creature as it is to man. Just as one wants happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not die, so do other creatures” – The Dalai Lama

For dog lovers around the world, one of the most frustrating and devastating realities we have to face is that of the continued existence of puppy mills: large-scale breeding operations where the number one consideration is profit, instead of the well-being of dogs. Puppy mill owners resort to practices such as over-breeding and inbreeding, and their dogs are often subject to unsanitary conditions, hunger, sickness and a lack of socialization. It is hard to believe that many dogs in these mills spend almost the entirety of their lives in cramped cages, often with not enough food to get by, forced to churn out puppies shortly after every heat.
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