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Let’s all get along at the dog park!

Follow the rules for safe fun for all
Follow the rules for safe fun for all!

Here are Seattle Parks’ rules for off leash areas, courtesy of the Citizens for Off-Leash Areas web site (

Dog Owners

  • You are liable for damage or injury inflicted by your dog(s) (SMC 18.12.080).
  • You must be in control of your dog(s) at all times (SMC 18.12.080).
  • You must muzzle dogs that exhibit dangerous or aggressive behavior; biting, fighting, and excessive barking are not allowed (SMC 9.25.024).
  • You must leash your dog when it is outside the off-leash area; you must carry a leash for each dog while you are inside the off-leash area (SMC 9.25.084 and 12.18.080).
  • You must clean up after your dog(s) and deposit feces in the containers at the site, and you must visibly carry scoop equipment (SMC 9.25.082 and 18.12.080).
  • You must closely supervise young children.
  • Bring food into off-leash areas at your own risk.
  • Leave bicycles outside off-leash area.
  • Unattended dogs are not allowed in off-leash areas.
  • Owners who see unattended dogs or other rule violations should call Animal Control at 206-386-7387, Extension 2.


  • If you’re female and you’re in heat, you are not allowed in off-leash areas (SMC 9.25.084).
  • If you’re a puppy younger than four months of age, you are not allowed in off-leash areas.
  • To come and play in off-leash areas, you need to be licensed and vaccinated (SMC 9.25.080 and 12.18.080).
  • If you wear a pinch or choke collar, ask your human to remove it when you come into off-leash areas.

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